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Byton at CES

A world premiere

The Byton concept isn’t a Sports Utility Vehicle; it’s the world’s first Smart Intuitive Vehicle. And premiering the unknown brand at CES 2018 was a deliberate decision to introduce the Byton concept to the world as a smart device and not just another electric car.

We used a three-prong strategy that included a concept reveal, show floor booth and outdoor experience to attract attention, generate excitement and create a clear understanding of the revolutionary Byton concept at an already buzz-filled CES.

Presenters and experts took the sleek, T-shaped stage at the Byton concept reveal to debut the world’s first smart intuitive vehicle and demonstrate how it turns travel time into a time to be.

After the unveiling, attendees were pushed to the 30’x60’ show floor stand with the Byton concept on a rotating turntable to give the gathered masses a view of every incredible angle.

Inside the Byton house, guests were able to explore all the technology packed into the Byton concept. Outside, they could test it out with a ride and drive around the adjoining parking lot.

The impact of the experience was significant, generating millions of online impressions and mentions during the show, with the buzz only continuing to grow in the months following.