We are a COLLECTIVE for all. We strive to create the best people-driven experiences, which is only possible by championing diversity, equity and inclusion. We celebrate creativity and embrace individuality so we can grow together through our initiatives.
View our DEI Mission Brief
Our Intiatives and Goals
Our DEI Taskforce is composed of a broad cross-section of Czarnowski Collective employees. We have outlined our initiatives.

Our Timeline

- An annual online DEI training is offered companywide.
- Update job descriptions to ensure they are inclusive.
- Communicate our commitment to DEI on our website, job postings & job descriptions.
- Give employees the option to include pronouns in their email signature.

- Interactive online training for all new hires focused on inclusion and awareness of different cultures and backgrounds.
- Unconscious interview bias digital training in place for all hiring managers.
- Establish relationships with high schools, junior colleges, and four-year universities focused on empowering people of diverse backgrounds to showcase career opportunities with Czarnowski Collective.
- Establish a structure for commemorating heritage months and identity recognition days through celebratory and educational programming for employees.
- Partner with at least one organization whose mission is impacting diverse communities in each of our locations.

- Develop a mentorship program to support employees’ career development.
- Ensure a gender, racial, and ethnic balance of candidates under consideration for open positions.

- Commit to a gender, racial, and ethnic balanced workforce at all levels.
- Require that at least 15% of our vendors and suppliers be women and/or minority-owned businesses.

- Require that at least 25% of our vendors and suppliers be women and/or minority-owned businesses.